- ClamAV? blog: ClamAV 1.2.0 feature version and 1.1.1, 1.0.2, 0.103.10 patch versions published
- ClamAV? blog: ClamAV EOL of 0.104.x versions
- ClamAV? blog: ClamAV 0.103.8, 0.105.2 and 1.0.1 patch versions published
- Python Insider: Python versions 3.10.8, 3.9.15, 3.8.15, 3.7.15 now available
- Dropping security updates for WordPress versions 3.7 through 4.0 – WordPress News
- Supported Windows Versions – MSYS2
- Paint.NET to drop support for Windows 7, 8.1, and 32-bit OS versions | Windows Central
- Universal MediaCreationTool wrapper for all MCT Windows 10 versions from 1507 to 21H1 with business (Enterprise) edition support
- 1710290 – (CVE-2021-29956) For OpenPGP secret keys imported with Thunderbird versions 78.8.1 – 78.10.1 the master password isn’t effective
- WSL 2 Support is coming to Windows 10 Versions 1903 and 1909 | Windows Command Line
- Chromium Blog: Chrome UI for Deprecating Legacy TLS Versions
- Google Online Security Blog: Chrome UI for Deprecating Legacy TLS Versions
- vBulletin Security Patch Released. Versions 5.5.2, 5.5.3, and 5.5.4 – vBulletin Community Forum
- Flash to be retired from both versions of Microsoft Edge by end of 2020 | Windows Central
- Android Developers Blog: Moving Android Studio and Android Emulator to 64-bit versions
- New fixes and component versions in Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.2 RU1
- Moodle 3.5.3 and other minor versions released
- Removing Old Versions of TLS | Mozilla Security Blog
- Deprecation of Legacy TLS 1.0 and 1.1 Versions | WebKit
- Printer, email and PDF versions – Highly critical – Remote Code Execution – SA-CONTRIB-2018-063 |
- Twitter plugin for WordPress adds support for latest versions of WordPress – Announcements – Twitter Developers
- iPhone 7 Materials Costs Higher than Previous Versions, IHS Markit Teardown Reveals – IHS Technology
- Big Switch Redefines Data Center Networking With Freemium “Community Edition” — Free Versions of Big Monitoring Fabric and Big Cloud Fabric | Big Switch Networks, Inc.
- Understanding versions in an evergreen browser | Microsoft Edge Dev Blog
- Corrupt IPS definition package impacted 32-bit versions of Internet Explorer | Symantec Connect コミュニティ
- Following public discussion of vulnerabilities in versions of Webkit last week,…
- New security hole found in multiple Java versions | Naked Security