- Python 3.13 runtime now available in AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog
- Amazon GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring の一般提供を開始 | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- ONNX Runtime Web unleashes generative AI in the browser using WebGPU – Microsoft Open Source Blog
- WebAssemblyとWebGPUを用い、Webブラウザ上でStable Diffusion Turbo全体を高速実行可能な推論エンジン「ONNX Runtime Web 1.17」マイクロソフトから登場 – Publickey
- Introducing the .NET 8 runtime for AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog
- awslabs/llrt: LLRT (Low Latency Runtime) is an experimental, lightweight JavaScript runtime designed to address the growing demand for fast and efficient Serverless applications.
- AWS、高速起動にこだわった軽量なJavaScriptランタイム「LLRT」(Low Latency Runtime)をオープンソースで公開。AWS Lambdaでの利用にフォーカス – Publickey
- Python 3.12 runtime now available in AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog
- Bun — A fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime
- Python 3.11 runtime now available in AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog
- Ruby 3.2 runtime now available in AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog
- ONNX Runtime を使った AWS IoT Greengrass 上での画像分類の最適化 | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Announcing Sandpack 2.0 and a Node.js runtime for any browser
- GitHub – wasmerio/kernel-wasm: Sandboxed kernel mode WebAssembly runtime.
- Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime
- Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime
- Introducing the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog
- GitHub – cilium/tetragon: eBPF-based Security Observability and Runtime Enforcement
- Salesforce、Commerce Cloudのヘッドレスコマースを実現する「Progressive Web App Kit」と「Managed Runtime」を日本市場で提供開始|株式会社セールスフォース・ジャパンのプレスリリース
- Salesforce、Commerce Cloudのヘッドレスコマースを実現する「Progressive Web App Kit」と「Managed Runtime」を日本市場で提供開始|株式会社セールスフォース・ジャパンのプレスリリース
- Salesforce、Commerce Cloudのヘッドレスコマースを実現する「Progressive Web App Kit」と 「Managed Runtime」を日本市場で提供開始 | セールスフォース・ジャパン
- New runtime permission for nearby Wi-Fi devices ?|? Android 13 Developer Preview ?|? Android Developers
- JVNVU#94117485: Wibu-Systems製CodeMeter Runtimeにおける不適切な権限管理の脆弱性
- マイクロソフト、WebAssemblyとWebGLで推論エンジンを実装した「ONNX Runtime Web」(ORT Web)をオープンソースで公開 – Publickey
- Python 3.9 runtime now available in AWS Lambda | AWS Compute Blog
- JVNVU#99583134: Wibu-Systems製CodeMeter Runtimeにおける複数の脆弱性
- Wasmer – The Universal WebAssembly Runtime
- JVNVU#90811375: Rockwell Automation 製 ISaGRAF5 Runtime に複数の脆弱性
- Announcing migration of the Java 8 runtime in AWS Lambda to Amazon Corretto | AWS Compute Blog
- Wasmer – The Universal WebAssembly Runtime
- – Introducing Swift AWS Lambda Runtime
- Swift言語がAWS Lambdaで利用可能に。Swift開発チームが「Swift AWS Lambda Runtime」公開 - Publickey
- Red Hat Advances Java on Kubernetes, Delivers Quarkus as a Fully-Supported Runtime for Cloud-Native Development
- Dapr – portable, event-driven, serverless runtime.
- Announcing Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), an open source project to make it easier for every developer to build microservice applications – Open Source Blog
- Pivotal Spring Runtime | Pivotal
- Pivotal、OpenJDKディストリビューションやSpring Frameworkの商用サポートを含む「Pivotal Spring Runtime」リリース - Publickey
- Pivotal Spring Runtime: Comprehensive Support for OpenJDK, Spring, and Apache Tomcat
- Announcing Lucet: Fastly’s native WebAssembly compiler and runtime
- Eclipse Jemo – Cloud Application Runtime |
- Eclipse Jemo – Cloud Application Runtime |
- AWS Lambda互換環境をKubernetes上で実現する「Knative Lambda Runtime」オープンソースで公開 - Publickey
- Announcing TriggerMesh Knative Lambda Runtime (KLR) | Multicloud Serverless Management Platform – TriggerMesh
- GitHub – google/gvisor: Container Runtime Sandbox
- MS13-057: Description of the security update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9.5 and 11 (wmvdecod.dll) on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003: July 9, 2013
- MS13-057: Description of the security update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9 and 9.5 (wmvdmod.dll), and for Windows Media Player 11 and 12: July 9, 2013
- US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#323161 – Adobe Shockwave player provides vulnerable Flash runtime