- Making Workers AI faster and more efficient: Performance optimization with KV cache compression and speculative decoding
- We made Workers KV up to 3x faster — here’s the data
- More NPM packages on Cloudflare Workers: Combining polyfills and native code to support Node.js APIs
- Meta Llama 3.1 now available on Workers AI
- Embedded function calling in Workers AI: easier, smarter, faster
- Introducing Stream Generated Captions, powered by Workers AI
- Using Fortran on Cloudflare Workers
- Meta Llama 3 available on Cloudflare Workers AI
- Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cloudflare Snippets, SWR, and bringing Workers for Platforms to all users
- Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cloudflare Snippets, SWR, and bringing Workers for Platforms to all users
- We’ve added JavaScript-native RPC to Cloudflare Workers
- Improving Cloudflare Workers and D1 developer experience with Prisma ORM
- Leveling up Workers AI: General Availability and more new capabilities
- Cloudflare、CDNエッジで生成AIを実行できる「Workers AI」正式サービスに。世界150都市のデータセンターでGPU基盤を提供 – Publickey
- Cloudflare WorkersがPythonをサポート、WebAssembly版Pythonランタイムの「Pyodide」を採用で – Publickey
- Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly
- Bringing Python to Workers using Pyodide and WebAssembly
- Making state easy with D1 GA, Hyperdrive, Queues and Workers Analytics Engine updates
- Leveling up Workers AI: General Availability and more new capabilities
- Running fine-tuned models on Workers AI with LoRAs
- Making state easy with D1 GA, Hyperdrive, Queues and Workers Analytics Engine updates
- Adding new LLMs, text classification and code generation models to the Workers AI catalog
- LangChain Support for Workers AI, Vectorize and D1
- Streaming and longer context lengths for LLMs on Workers AI
- Cloudflare、Workers KVの更新に失敗し障害発生。しかも復旧用ツールがWorkers KVに依存しており使えず、手動で緊急対応 – Publickey
- Cloudflare、CDNエッジのJavaScriptから生成AIを実行できる「Workers AI」を発表。GPUで高速処理を実現 – Publickey
- Re-introducing the Cloudflare Workers Playground
- Running Serverless Puppeteer with Workers and Durable Objects
- Workers AI: serverless GPU-powered inference on Cloudflare’s global network
- You can now use WebGPU in Cloudflare Workers
- New Workers pricing — never pay to wait on I/O again
- Writing poems using LLama 2 on Workers AI
- オープンソースのWebAssemblyサーバレス基盤「Wasm Workers Server 1.3」リリース。Gitリポジトリからコードをロードして実行可能に – Publickey
- What’s new in Wasm Workers Server 1.3 (and 1.2)
- Workers Browser Rendering API enters open beta
- ヘッドレスブラウザ+Puppeteerが使える「Cloudflare Workers Browser Rendering API」がオープンベータに – Publickey
- Using LangChainJS and Cloudflare Workers together
- Bringing a unified developer experience to Cloudflare Workers and Pages
- Cloudflare、サーバレスの「Cloudflare Workers」とJAMスタックの「Cloudflare Pages」を統合へ – Publickey
- Announcing database integrations: a few clicks to connect to Neon, PlanetScale and Supabase on Workers
- Announcing connect() — a new API for creating TCP sockets from Cloudflare Workers
- Magic in minutes: how to build a ChatGPT plugin with Cloudflare Workers
- Node.js compatibility for Cloudflare Workers – starting with Async Context Tracking, EventEmitter, Buffer, assert, and util
- Cloudflare WorkersがNode.js API互換の提供を発表。Bun、Denoなどに続く対応により、Node.js APIはサーバサイドJavaScriptの事実上の標準になるか – Publickey
- Node.js compatibility for Cloudflare Workers – starting with Async Context Tracking, EventEmitter, Buffer, assert, and util
- Wasm Workers Server 1.0: support for Python and Ruby
- オープンソースのWebAssemblyサーバレス基盤「Wasm Workers Server 1.0」正式リリース。RubyとPythonのWASMランタイムに対応し、Ruby/Pythonでの記述が可能に – Publickey
- How we built an open-source SEO tool using Workers, D1, and Queues
- FTC Proposes Rule to Ban Noncompete Clauses, Which Hurt Workers and Harm Competition | Federal Trade Commission
- Cloudflare、ヘッドレスブラウザ+Puppeteerがすぐ使える「Workers Browser Rendering API」発表 – Publickey
- Cloudflareでメッセージキューを提供する「Cloudflare Queues」ベータ公開。Workersのコンピュート、R2のストレージ、Queuesのキューで分散コンピューティング基盤が充実 – Publickey
- Xata Workers: client-side database access without client-side secrets
- Cloudflare Workers and micro-frontends: made for one another
- Run your workers anywhere with WebAssembly
- Wasm Workers Server | Wasm Workers Server
- Cloudflare WorkersのJavaScript/WASMランタイム「workerd」がオープンソースで公開。NanoservicesやHomogeneous deploymentなど新技術を実装 – Publickey
- Introducing workerd: the Open Source Workers runtime
- Leading venture capital firms to provide up to $1.25 BILLION to back startups built on Cloudflare Workers
- Cloudflare Workers Announces Broad Language Support
- JavaScript/WebAssemblyをCDNエッジで実行するCloudflare Workersが、Python、Scala、Kotlin、Dart、Reasonへの対応を発表 – Publickey
- Running Zig with WASI on Cloudflare Workers
- Announcing support for WASI on Cloudflare Workers
- Cloudflare WorkersがWebAssemblyでWASIをサポート。WebAssemblyはクロスプラットフォーム対応が当前の世界に – Publickey
- Open Source Research: The UK government can greatly benefit from open source but over a third of its tech workers still don’t use it
- Deno、Node.js、Cloudflare Workersなど、非Webブラウザ系JavaScriptランタイムのコード互換を目指す「Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group」(WinterCG)が発足 – Publickey
- Route to Workers, automate your email processing
- Send email using Workers with MailChannels
- Microsoft announces new research and technology to empower millions of frontline workers – Stories
- More than half of UK workers would consider quitting their job if hybrid working was axed
- Launching a Startup on Cloudflare Workers
- Announcing native support for Stripe’s JavaScript SDK in Cloudflare Workers
- Workers, Now Even More Unbound: 15 Minutes, 100 Scripts, and No Egress
- Developer Spotlight: Automating Workflows with Airtable and Cloudflare Workers
- Automatically generating types for Cloudflare Workers
- JavaScript modules are now supported on Cloudflare Workers
- Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers
- wrangler 2.0 — a new developer experience for Cloudflare Workers
- Workers adds support for two modern data platforms: MongoDB Atlas and Prisma
- Making connections with TCP and Sockets for Workers
- Building Cloudflare Images in Rust and Cloudflare Workers
- Native Rust support on Cloudflare Workers
- Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers
- Announcing Green Compute on Cloudflare Workers
- Introducing Workers Usage Notifications
- Building Waiting Room on Workers and Durable Objects
- Building real-time games using Workers, Durable Objects, and Unity
- Multiplayer Doom on Cloudflare Workers
- AWS、エッジにおけるJavaScript実行環境に本格参入。Cloudflare WorkersやDeno Deployなどと競合へ – Publickey
- Convicted Post Office workers have names cleared – BBC News
- Node.js support in Cloudflare Workers
- Introducing, custom builds, and improved logging for Workers
- Improve your page experience with AMP and Cloudflare Workers Unbound
- Introducing WebSockets Support in Cloudflare Workers
- Announcing Cloudflare Workers Unbound for General Availability
- アクセス元の都道府県と市レベルの住所が分かるAPI、Cloudflareがエッジ上のCloudflare Workersで提供へ - Publickey
- Location-based personalization at the edge with Cloudflare Workers
- Expanding the Cloudflare Workers Observability Ecosystem
- Building Black Friday e-commerce experiences with JAMstack and Cloudflare Workers
- Workers KV – free to try, with increased limits!
- Exploring WebAssembly AI Services on Cloudflare Workers