- Web apps
- Web apps
- Amazon Q Apps の一般公開を開始、独自の生成 AI アプリ構築が可能に | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Amazon Q Apps, now generally available, enables users to build their own generative AI apps | AWS News Blog
- AWS、生成AIへのプロンプトで生成AIアプリが作れる「Amazon Q Apps」正式サービスに – Publickey
- Unlock new levels of productivity with Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Power Apps
- Firebase App Hosting | Build and deploy modern, full-stack web apps
- Firebase Data Connect | Build secure, scalable apps on PostgreSQL.
- Enforcement on Third Party Apps – YouTube コミュニティ
- GitHub – dotnet-smartcomponents/smartcomponents: Experimental, end-to-end AI features for .NET apps
- More options for apps distributed in the European Union – Latest News – Apple Developer
- New Protections to Give Teens More Age-Appropriate Experiences on Our Apps | Meta
- Giving Teens and Parents More Ways to Manage Their Time on Our Apps | Meta
- Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend | Tauri Apps
- Add gen AI to your apps with BigQuery and Document AI integration | Google Cloud Blog
- Google Online Security Blog: More ways for users to identify independently security tested apps on Google Play
- Announcing Microsoft Playwright Testing: Scalable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Azure Blog | Microsoft Azure
- Kamal — Deploy web apps anywhere
- アプリ・拡張機能開発エンジニア向けサイト makeshop apps developers
- makeshop apps ECサイトを自由に拡張できる アプリプラットフォーム
- 「makeshop byGMO」、アプリプラットフォーム構想により拡張性を更に高めるアプリストア『makeshop apps』を公開【GMOメイクショップ】|GMOインターネットグループのプレスリリース
- Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright
- FlowiseAI – Build LLMs Apps Easily
- NativePHP | Baking Delicious Native Apps
- Google I/O 2023: New features and apps for Wear OS
- Deno KV – a global database for global apps
- 東芝独自のAI画像検査技術とキーエンス製の画像処理システムXG-Xを組み合わせたハイブリッド方式による外観検査の自動化を実現 ~Meister Apps™ AI画像自動検査パッケージを活用して外観検査の課題を解決~ | ニュースリリース | 東芝デジタルソリューションズ
- Goldoson: Privacy-invasive and Clicker Android Adware found in popular apps in South Korea | McAfee Blog
- [速報]マイクロソフト、自然言語で誰でもアプリケーション開発が可能に なる「Copilot in Power Automate」「Copilot in Power Apps」発表 – Publickey
- 「PlayMemories Camera Apps」ダウンロードサービス終了のお知らせ | デジタル一眼カメラα(アルファ) | ソニー
- Mozilla Foundation – Mozilla Study: Data Privacy Labels for Most Top Apps in Google Play Store are False or Misleading
- Nearly 1 in 4 children’s Google Play Apps breach the ICO’s age-appropriate design code – Comparitech
- These aren’t the apps you’re looking for: fake installers targeting Southeast and East Asia | WeLiveSecurity
- GitHub – Dashlane/apple-apps: ?????? Apple applications sources
- GitHub – Dashlane/android-apps: ?????? Android applications sources
- Twitter DevさんはTwitterを使っています: 「Twitter is enforcing its long-standing API rules. That may result in some apps not working.」 / Twitter
- グリッド、社会インフラ特化型SaaS「ReNom Apps」開発開始 | 人工知能事業|株式会社グリッド
- ノバセル、アプリ事業者向けTVCM効果可視化サービス「ノバセルアナリティクス for Apps」の提供を開始|ラクスル株式会社のプレスリリース
- Announcing the Tauri Mobile Alpha Release | Tauri Apps
- グリッド、社会インフラ特化型SaaS「ReNom Apps」開発開始|株式会社グリッドのプレスリリース
- Google Developers Blog: Introducing AppSheet databases: Build data driven apps for Google Workspace
- Windows ウィジェット – Windows apps | Microsoft Learn
- Protecting People From Malicious Account Compromise Apps | Meta
- Build real-time video and audio apps on the world’s most interconnected network
- Announcing tauri-egui 0.1.0 | Tauri Apps
- Android Developers Blog: Optimize for Android (Go edition): Lessons from Google apps – Part 1
- Expanding Android™ Apps on Windows 11 to Windows Insiders in Japan | Windows Insider Blog
- Bundeskartellamt – Homepage – Bundeskartellamt reviews Apple’s tracking rules for third-party apps
- ACM: Apple changes unfair conditions, allows alternative payments methods in dating apps |
- Azure Container Apps General Availability
- コンテナをサーバレスで実行する「Azure Container Apps」が正式サービスとして提供開始 – Publickey
- Pixalate Finds 1.5MM ‘Abandoned’ Mobile Apps in Google and Apple Stores as of Q1 2022
- Abandoned Mobile Apps Report
- Reimagining the apps included with Windows 11 | Windows Insider Blog
- Mozilla Foundation – Top Mental Health and Prayer Apps Fail Spectacularly at Privacy, Security
- Mental Health Apps | Privacy & security guide | Mozilla Foundation
- Official (and legendary) PuTTY and Audacity apps land in the Microsoft Store | Windows Central
- AWS Amplify Studio | Visually Build Extensible, Full-Stack Apps Fast
- Google Developers Blog: Announcing the Apps Script connector for AppSheet: Automate workflows for Google Workspace
- Google、ノーコード開発ツールのAppSheetに新機能「Apps Script connector for AppSheet」。Apps Script経由でのGoogle Workspaceとの連携処理が容易に – Publickey
- You’re muted — or are you? Videoconferencing apps may listen even when mic is off
- Researchers Find Python-Based Ransomware Targeting Jupyter Notebook Web Apps | SecurityWeek.Com
- Android Developers Blog: Freeing up 60
- VEGA -Google Earth Engine Appsを用いた地球可視化ツール公開
- Distributing dating apps in the Netherlands – サポート – Apple Developer
- Additional details available for dating apps in the Netherlands – News – Apple Developer
- Installing Windows 10 apps from a web page – MSIX | Microsoft Docs
- The best way to build web apps without code | Bubble
- Microsoft Installer issue preventing some apps from opening on Windows 11, 10 | Windows Central
- Power Fx: Open source now available | Microsoft Power Apps
- Introducing Azure Container Apps: a serverless container service for running modern apps at scale
- Introducing Azure Container Apps: a serverless container service for running modern apps at scale
- Create mobile apps with Power Apps (preview) | Microsoft Power Apps
- Microsoft Power AppsでiOS/Androidのネイティブアプリ開発が可能に。Iginte 2021 – Publickey
- Introducing Android™ Apps on Windows 11 to Windows Insiders | Windows Insider Blog
- Announcing Android™ apps on Windows 11 Preview for Windows Insiders in the Beta Channel | Windows Insider Blog
- Introducing Android™ Apps on Windows 11 to Windows Insiders | Windows Insider Blog
- 既存の製造設備の操作を自動化する「Meister Apps™ 設備あやつり制御パッケージ」の提供を開始 ~東芝グループで250台以上の実績から商品化、後付けで現場の生産性向上とデジタル化を推進~ | ニュースリリース | 東芝デジタルソリューションズ
- Microsoft Store: More apps, more open – Windows Developer Blog
- Get started Building Web3 Apps with Cloudflare
- Office apps now support OpenDocument format 1.3
- Microsoft Power Appsでの設定ミスによる個人情報露出 | カスペルスキー公式ブログ
- Announcing Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise—fully managed VMware Tanzu components and advanced configurability for Spring Boot apps | Azure のブログと更新プログラム | Microsoft Azure
- By Design: How Default Permissions on Microsoft Power Apps Exposed Millions | UpGuard
- Microsoft Power Apps で個人情報を含む計 3,800 万件のレコードが流出、その原因は仕様? | スラド YRO
- Microsoft ending Chromebook support for Office Android apps in September (Update: Google statement added)
- Fake Cryptocurrency Mining Apps Trick Victims Into Watching Ads Paying for Subscription Service
- Microsoft 365 apps say farewell to Internet Explorer 11 and Windows 10 sunsets Microsoft Edge Legacy – Microsoft Tech Community
- ongoing by Tim Bray ? Apps Getting Worse
- 増える市民開発者を支える『Power Apps 支援サービス』を提供開始 | 株式会社ソフトクリエイト
- フィッシングに利用されるGoogle Apps Script | カスペルスキー公式ブログ
- 「Meister Apps™ 現場作業見える化パッケージ」が「MotionBoard」と連携 現場作業の改善をBIダッシュボードで強力にサポート|ウイングアーク1st
- Anime Tube?: The Future of Anime Apps (Suspended) by Game Face, LLC — Kickstarter
- 「Meister Apps™ 現場作業見える化パッケージ」が「MotionBoard」と連携 現場作業の改善をBIダッシュボードで強力にサポート ~東芝デジタルソリューションズとウイングアーク1stとの戦略提携ソリューションを提供開始~ | ニュースリリース | 東芝デジタルソリューションズ
- Microsoft Teams: Vulnerability in Microsoft Power Apps Service Allows Theft of Emails, Files and More – Blog | Tenable?
- Introducing Power Apps Ideas: AI-powered assistance now helps anyone create apps using natural language | Microsoft Power Apps
- Microsoft、英語文章をプログラミング言語に変換する技術を「Power Apps」に追加へ | スラド デベロッパー
- Amazon ECS と AWS Fargate を利用した Twelve-Factor Apps の開発 | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Android Developers Blog: New safety section in Google Play will give transparency into how apps use data
- Android Developers Blog: New safety section in Google Play will give transparency into how apps use data