- Amazon Bedrock での Anthropic のアップグレードされた Claude 3.5 Sonnet (今すぐ利用可能)、Computer Use (パブリックベータ)、Claude 3.5 Haiku (近日提供予定) | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- JVNVU#97905990: MegaSys Computer Technologies製Telenium Online Web Applicationにおける不適切な入力検証の脆弱性
- 【プレスリリース】国際宇宙ステーションと地上間での秘密鍵共有と高秘匿通信に成功 ~衛星量子暗号通信の実用化に期待~ – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- 株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所創造性の加速を支援する新たなシステム、「Tomonami(トモナミ)」を開発 ~ 陶芸作家の𠮷田幸央氏との取り組みによる作品の展示会を開催 ~ – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 創造性の加速の支援を行うシステム「Tomonami」第二弾の取り組み ~ 友禅作家の四ツ井健氏が展示会を開催 ~ – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- 86 DOS Version 0.1 C Serial # 11 ( ORIGINAL DISK) : Seattle Computer Products : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- Computer pioneer Niklaus Wirth has died | ETH Zurich
- JVNVU#96079387: ASUSTeK COMPUTER製RT-AC87Uにおける不適切なアクセス制御の脆弱性
- JVNVU#96079387: ASUSTeK COMPUTER製RT-AC87Uにおける不適切なアクセス制御の脆弱性
- $10m penalty for Dell Australia for misleading representations about discount prices of computer monitors | ACCC
- Inception: how a simple XOR can cause a Microarchitectural Stack Overflow – Computer Security Group
- Examining workweek variations in computer usage patterns: An application of ergonomic monitoring software | PLOS ONE
- Dell Australia declared to have misled consumers about the prices of computer monitors | ACCC
- Deep12 – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- Realistic computer-generated handwriting
- Block calls & messages or mark as spam – Computer – Google Voice Help
- [2212.03520] COVID-bit: Keep a Distance of (at least) 2m From My Air-Gap Computer!
- ASUS Computer International Recalls ASUS ROG Maximus Z690 Hero Motherboards Due to Fire and Burn Hazards |
- Department of Justice Announces New Policy for Charging Cases under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act | OPA | Department of Justice
- Indian – Computer Emergency Response Team
- ソニーCSL とJAXA 成層圏や宇宙でのインターネットサービスの技術基盤となる エラー発生環境下での完全なデータファイル転送の実証に成功 – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- Blacksmith – Computer Security Group
- AIで作曲をアシストするモバイルアプリ「Flow Machines Mobile」の提供を開始 | Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- Chaos Computer Club、独キリスト教民主同盟には2度と脆弱性を知らせない | スラド セキュリティ
- Air-powered computer memory helps soft robot control movements | News
- Computer security world in mourning over death of Dan Kaminsky, aged 42 • The Register
- Statement from CS&E on Linux Kernel research – April 21, 2021 | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Science and Engineering
- AI May Mistake Chess Discussions as Racist Talk | Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science
- OCR support for 73 languages in the Cognitive Services Computer Vision public preview | Azure の更新情報 | Microsoft Azure
- Microsoft Azure、「Computer Vision API」のOCR機能が日本語に対応、パブリックプレビューとして - Publickey
- Nicolas Loizeau – GOL computer
- DNS Cache Poisoning Attack Reloaded | Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
- Tool helps clear biases from computer vision | School of Engineering and Applied Science
- 「ミュージック・エクセレンス・プロジェクト」を始動 | Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- Two Chinese Hackers Working with the Ministry of State Security Charged with Global Computer Intrusion Campaign Targeting Intellectual Property and Confidential Business Information, Including COVID-19 Research | OPA | Department of Justice
- Facebook and Carnegie Mellon Team To Gather COVID-19 Symptom Data | Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science
- [Press Release]京都に研究拠点を開設 | | Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- 5GReasoner | Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
- cp m – Fastest non-emulated CP/M Z80-based computer ever built? – Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
- 【Press Release】ICカードを利用した「仮想通貨ハードウェアウォレット技術」を開発 | | Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- TSMC Details Impact of Computer Virus Incident
- The Eudora™ Email Client Source Code | Computer History Museum
- Computer system transcribes words users “speak silently” | MIT News
- IBM unveils ‘world’s smallest computer’ with blockchain at Think 2018
- Computer History Museum Makes Historic MS-DOS and Word for Windows Source Code Available to the Public | Press Releases | Computer History Museum
- UEI、ソニーCSL、WiLの三社、ヒトとAIの共生環境を構築するGHELIAを設立 | Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- CCC | Chaos Computer Clubs breaks iris recognition system of the Samsung Galaxy S8
- Chaos Computer Club、Galaxy S8の虹彩認証を突破 | スラド ハードウェア
- MacOS System 7.0.1 Compilation : Apple Computer : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
- CWI and Google announce first collision for Industry Security Standard SHA-1 | CWI Amsterdam | Research in mathematics and computer science
- Amazon Echo、「Computer」との呼びかけに反応するように | スラド
- GitHub – chrislgarry/Apollo-11: Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
- Google Drive Blog: Because your computer only has so much space
- Raspberry Pi Zero: the $5 computer – Raspberry Pi
- Minecraft Hour of Code Tutorial Will Inspire Students to Learn Computer Science Skills – Microsoft in Education Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
- Official Gmail Blog: Computer, respond to this email: Introducing Smart Reply in Inbox by Gmail
- Computer Weekly:Internet Explorerのサポート終了でレガシーの呪縛を断ち切れるか? – ITmedia エンタープライズ
- Springs PoliceさんはTwitterを使っています: “Photo of computer that was killed in PB #22312. Man cited for discharging a firearm in city.”
- Online APK Downloader | Download APK Directly From Google Play To Your Computer And Device
- Chaos Computer Club、iPhone 5sの指紋認証を突破 | スラッシュドット・ジャパン アップル
- Google Chrome Blog: Controlling your computer from afar