- 5Gミリ波とBeyond 5G無線通信を加速する広入射角・広帯域電波吸収体を開発 | Science Tokyo
- 超高感度ナノワイヤナノギャップガスセンサの開発に成功 | Science Tokyo
- IAS、業界初の広告主向けMeta最適化ソリューションを発表 | Integral Ad Science Japan 株式会社のプレスリリース
- IAS 「Quality Attention™」をパブリッシャーに提供し、収益率の向上、利益の最大化をサポート | Integral Ad Science Japan 株式会社のプレスリリース
- IAS、LINE広告のメディア品質計測を拡大 | Integral Ad Science Japan 株式会社のプレスリリース
- IAS、Microsoft 広告との提携を拡大し、広告主向けに第三者計測を提供 | Integral Ad Science Japan 株式会社のプレスリリース
- IAS、Pinterestとの提携を発表、AIによるブランドセーフティ計測を提供 | Integral Ad Science Japan 株式会社のプレスリリース
- 【プレスリリース】国際宇宙ステーションと地上間での秘密鍵共有と高秘匿通信に成功 ~衛星量子暗号通信の実用化に期待~ – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- 株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所創造性の加速を支援する新たなシステム、「Tomonami(トモナミ)」を開発 ~ 陶芸作家の𠮷田幸央氏との取り組みによる作品の展示会を開催 ~ – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 創造性の加速の支援を行うシステム「Tomonami」第二弾の取り組み ~ 友禅作家の四ツ井健氏が展示会を開催 ~ – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- 不正アクセスによる収集データの漏えいについて | ニュース | 新着情報 | 大阪大学 基礎工学部 / 大学院基礎工学研究科 – School / Graduate School of Engineering Science
- The Prize in Economic Sciences 2023 – Popular science background –
- The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 – Popular science background –
- オプト、データ解析・機械学習技術を用いたサービス開発を手掛けるRe Data Scienceと協業を開始|株式会社デジタルホールディングスのプレスリリース
- LK-99 isn’t a superconductor — how science sleuths solved the mystery
- The manifold costs of being a non-native English speaker in science | PLOS Biology
- Gas and Propane Combustion from Stoves Emits Benzene and Increases Indoor Air Pollution | Environmental Science & Technology
- Scientists discover 62 new moons around Saturn, raising total to 145 — the most in the solar system | Live Science
- Saturn now leads moon race with 62 newly discovered moons | UBC Science – Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia
- Does a USB drive get heavier as you store more files on it? | BBC Science Focus Magazine
- NASA’s Voyager Will Do More Science With New Power Strategy
- Science rocket landed in Norway – SSC – Swedish Space Corporation
- (株)Insight Science、10分で50本以上の競合差別化を意識したコピーを自動生成する、AIコピーライター「UniCopi(ゆにこぴ)」をリリース|株式会社Insight scienceのプレスリリース
- Deep12 – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- The connectome of an insect brain | Science
- Repurposed drug battles ‘brain-eating’ amoeba | Science | AAAS
- 自動DDoS Mitigationサービス 申請受付開始について – SINET6 – Science Information NETwork 6
- Ionocaloric refrigeration cycle | Science
- NSF statement on NSF and SpaceX Astronomy Coordination Agreement | NSF – National Science Foundation
- NASA Retires InSight Mars Lander Mission After Years of Science | NASA
- JetBlue | JetBlue Announces Science-based Emissions Reduction Target and Strategy to Achieve Net Zero by 2040
- Dragon Docks to Station with Solar Arrays and Science – Space Station
- Liquid and supercritical CO2 as an organic solvent in Hadean seafloor hydrothermal systems: implications for prebiotic chemical evolution | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science | Full Text
- MycelioTronics: Fungal mycelium skin for sustainable electronics | Science Advances
- Evidence for neutrino emission from the nearby active galaxy NGC 1068 | Science
- In vivo direct imaging of neuronal activity at high temporospatial resolution | Science
- The Prize in Economic Sciences 2022 – Popular science background –
- Outside the Safe Operating Space of a New Planetary Boundary for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) | Environmental Science & Technology
- Knowledge overconfidence is associated with anti-consensus views on controversial scientific issues | Science Advances
- Necrobotics: Biotic Materials as Ready‐to‐Use Actuators – Yap – Advanced Science – Wiley Online Library
- JAXA | 小惑星探査機「はやぶさ2」初期分析 化学分析チーム 研究成果の科学誌「Science」論文掲載について
- All of the bases in DNA and RNA have now been found in meteorites | Science News
- Evaluation of science advice during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
- Methane and NOx Emissions from Natural Gas Stoves, Cooktops, and Ovens in Residential Homes | Environmental Science & Technology
- ソニーCSL とJAXA 成層圏や宇宙でのインターネットサービスの技術基盤となる エラー発生環境下での完全なデータファイル転送の実証に成功 – Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- Spotifyのポッドキャスト『’Science VS』が更新停止。ただし「Spotifyで流される誤情報の検証を除く」 – Engadget 日本版
- How Prime Video updates its app for more than 8,000 device types – Amazon Science
- Researchers develop first fully 3D-printed, flexible OLED display | College | College of Science and Engineering
- Moons are planets: Scientific usefulness versus cultural teleology in the taxonomy of planetary science – ScienceDirect
- Hubble’s ACS Instrument Resumes Science, Investigation Continues | NASA
- Heinz ‘Marz Edition’ Ketchup Made Possible by Florida Tech Science – Florida Tech News
- ‘If it’s alive, it sleeps.’ Brainless creatures shed light on why we slumber | Science | AAAS
- The Prize in Economic Sciences 2021 – Popular science background –
- Occurrence of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polycarbonate Microplastics in Infant and Adult Feces | Environmental Science & Technology Letters
- AIで作曲をアシストするモバイルアプリ「Flow Machines Mobile」の提供を開始 | Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- Application of a sub–0.1-mm3 implantable mote for in vivo real-time wireless temperature sensing | Science Advances
- Tuna robotics: A high-frequency experimental platform exploring the performance space of swimming fishes | Science Robotics
- A grim warning from Israel: Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta | Science | AAAS
- NASA Science, Cargo Launches on Northrop Grumman Resupply Mission | NASA
- Daily energy expenditure through the human life course | Science
- Thymic stromal lymphopoietin induces adipose loss through sebum hypersecretion | Science
- EurekAlert! Science News Releases
- NASA Returns Hubble Space Telescope to Science Operations | NASA
- Can a calculator predict your risk of dementia? | EurekAlert! Science News
- Global tropospheric ozone responses to reduced NOx emissions linked to the COVID-19 worldwide lockdowns | Science Advances
- Gravity powers batteries for renewable energy | Science
- ‘It’s like the embers in a barbecue pit.’ Nuclear reactions are smoldering again at Chernobyl | Science | AAAS
- Radiation-related genomic profile of papillary thyroid carcinoma after the Chernobyl accident | Science
- Lack of transgenerational effects of ionizing radiation exposure from the Chernobyl accident | Science
- Statement from CS&E on Linux Kernel research – April 21, 2021 | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Science and Engineering
- Alfred Aho wins the 2020 ACM Turing Award | EurekAlert! Science News
- This rabbit walks on its ‘hands.’ Scientists think they’ve found the genetic reason why | Science | AAAS
- Integral Ad Science、Pre-bidソリューションでログリーと連携|IASのプレスリリース
- Experience at Home! Kahaku VR -National Museum of Nature and Science-
- Perseverance Rover’s SuperCam Science Instrument Delivers First Results
- Science Brief: Background Rationale and Evidence for Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People
- AI May Mistake Chess Discussions as Racist Talk | Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science
- First record of the sound produced by the oldest Upper Paleolithic seashell horn | Science Advances
- Research linking violent entertainment to aggression retracted after scrutiny | Science | AAAS
- The characteristic response of domestic cats to plant iridoids allows them to gain chemical defense against mosquitoes | Science Advances
- Quantum computational advantage using photons | Science
- NSF begins planning for decommissioning of Arecibo Observatory’s 305-meter telescope due to safety concerns | NSF – National Science Foundation
- 光照射で結晶相転位をスイッチし可逆的で急速に形状変化する結晶システムを開発 ソフトロボティクス分野への波及を期待 英国王立化学会「Chemical Science」誌に掲載 先端理工学部応用化学課程 内田欣吾 教授 | ニュース | 龍谷大学 You, Unlimited
- Metasurface-driven OLED displays beyond 10,000 pixels per inch | Science
- The Prize in Economic Sciences 2020 – Popular science background –
- Tool helps clear biases from computer vision | School of Engineering and Applied Science
- The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 – Popular science background –
- Widespread hematite at high latitudes of the Moon | Science Advances
- ブランドセーフティ | Integral Ad Science
- Low-cost measurement of facemask efficacy for filtering expelled droplets during speech | Science Advances
- Human sperm uses asymmetric and anisotropic flagellar controls to regulate swimming symmetry and cell steering | Science Advances
- 「ミュージック・エクセレンス・プロジェクト」を始動 | Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
- Magnetic levitational bioassembly of 3D tissue construct in space | Science Advances
- Using data science and machine learning for improved customer support
- Remote, brain region–specific control of choice behavior with ultrasonic waves | Science Advances
- Adverse effects of electronic cigarettes on the disease-naive oral microbiome | Science Advances
- Probing the chemistry of CdS paints in The Scream by in situ noninvasive spectroscopies and synchrotron radiation x-ray techniques | Science Advances
- SARS-CoV-2 infection protects against rechallenge in rhesus macaques | Science
- JAXA | 小惑星探査機「はやぶさ2」観測成果論文のScience誌掲載について