- 博報堂DYホールディングス Human-Centered AI Institute 「AIと暮らす未来の生活調査2024」を実施 | 博報堂DYホールディングスのプレスリリース
- WHI、従業員の自律的な学習と企業の戦略的な研修を両立する学習プラットフォームを提供開始 | 株式会社Works Human Intelligenceのプレスリリース
- 対談記事 – Works Human Intelligence でのプロトタイピングチーム立ち上げの軌跡 | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- 電通デジタル、バーチャルヒューマンを搭載した新たな顧客体験 次世代AIオウンドメディア「Owned Human™」の取り組みを開始 | 株式会社電通デジタルのプレスリリース
- 電通デジタル、バーチャルヒューマンを搭載した新たな顧客体験 次世代AIオウンドメディア「Owned Human™」の取り組みを開始 | 株式会社電通デジタルのプレスリリース
- 博報堂DYグループ、生活者と社会に資する人間中心のAI技術の先端研究開発を行う「Human-Centered AI Institute」を設立~代表およびChief AI Officerに森正弥氏が就任~ | コーポレートニュース | 博報堂DYホールディングス
- 博報堂ケトル? Studio 声で課題解決する音声AIクリエイティブサービス「Human Audio AI」(HAAI)始動 | 株式会社博報堂ケトルのプレスリリース
- Hypoblast from human pluripotent stem cells regulates epiblast development | Nature
- Sex-related communicative functions of voice spectral energy in human chorusing | Biology Letters
- WHI、企業の人的資本開示を推進|Works Human Intelligence
- A Comprehensive Study – Human Ridehail Crash Rate Benchmark | Cruise
- プルーフポイント、「Human Factor 2023」日本語版を発表: 攻撃者は、ツールやテクニックをパワーアップしていることが明らかに | Proofpoint JP
- LINEと大阪大学が共同で「LINE Virtual Human 共同研究講座」を開設 | ニュース | LINE株式会社
- [2304.03442] Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior
- facebookresearch/AnimatedDrawings: Code to accompany “A Method for Animating Children’s Drawings of the Human Figure”
- High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human brain activity
- Frontiers | Seasonality of human sleep: Polysomnographic data of a neuropsychiatric sleep clinic
- WHI、日本企業に適した人的資本マネジメント製品を販売開始|Works Human Intelligence
- Applying Human Rights Frameworks to our approach to abuse
- 自動車部品製造のユニバンス、統合人事システム「COMPANY」で工場勤務を含めた1,000名超の人事情報を一元管理しペーパーレス化を推進|Works Human Intelligence
- WHIがパートナー戦略を強化し、新たに4社と協業|Works Human Intelligence
- Human adaptation to arsenic-rich environments – PubMed
- Computational modeling of drug dissolution in the human stomach: Effects of posture and gastroparesis on drug bioavailability: Physics of Fluids: Vol 34, No 8
- Human Eyes Only
- 高年齢者雇用安定法改正から1年、70歳までの雇用機会確保「未対応」の法人が約7割|株式会社Works Human Intelligenceのプレスリリース
- Inclusion – Foundations – Human Interface Guidelines – Design – Apple Developer
- 3DBio Therapeutics and the Microtia-Congenital Ear Deformity Institute Conduct Human Ear Reconstruction Using 3D-Bioprinted Living Tissue Implant in a First-in-Human Clinical Trial | Business Wire
- 【WHI調査レポート】大手64法人調査 テレワークにより通勤2時間以上の遠隔地へ引っ越し「認める」が7割|Works Human Intelligence
- Human Intelligence in the Digital Age – Speech by Richard Moore, Chief of the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service
- Origins and spread of formal ceremonial complexes in the Olmec and Maya regions revealed by airborne lidar | Nature Human Behaviour
- AnyMind GroupがHUMANと提携し、モバイルアプリ向け動画広告「POKKT」におけるアドフラウド検知・防止機能を実装|AnyMind Group株式会社のプレスリリース
- Mutual anticipation can contribute to self-organization in human crowds
- iRobot Introduces Roomba? j7 Robot Vacuum with Genius™ 3.0 Home Intelligence – Clean the Way You Want, So You Can Human | IROBOT CORPORATION
- プルーフポイント、「Human Factor 2021」日本語版を発表: 2020年が現在の脅威の状況をどのように変えたか明らかに | Proofpoint JP
- Human brain organoids assemble functionally integrated bilateral optic vesicles – ScienceDirect
- Human Brain Organoids Develop Optic Vesicles, Respond to Light
- HUMAN+ |公益社団法人 日本産科婦人科学会
- Daily energy expenditure through the human life course | Science
- Cloudflare’s Human Rights Commitments
- Working with those who protect human rights around the world
- NASA Highlights Winners of Challenge to Engineer Human Tissue
- Teams Engineer Complex Human Tissues, Win Top Prizes in NASA Challenge | NASA
- Accessing User Data – App Architecture – iOS – Human Interface Guidelines – Apple Developer
- Advancing the ethical dialogue about monkey/human chimeric embryos: Cell
- Selective time-dependent changes in activity and cell-specific gene expression in human postmortem brain | Scientific Reports
- First complete model of the human embryo
- 統合人事システム「COMPANY」、ServiceNowソリューションと ID管理領域での標準連携機能を提供開始|Works Human Intelligence
- Human Operated Ransomware | Microsoft Docs
- FDA Approves First-of-its-Kind Intentional Genomic Alteration in Line of Domestic Pigs for Both Human Food, Potential Therapeutic Uses | FDA
- A study of fluid dynamics and human physiology factors driving droplet dispersion from a human sneeze: Physics of Fluids: Vol 32, No 11
- 千葉と岩手の3自治体(市川市・佐倉市・花巻市)会計年度任用職員制度対応でクラウドシステムを導入|株式会社Works Human Intelligenceのプレスリリース
- Lowering the transmission and spread of human coronavirus – Meyers – – Journal of Medical Virology – Wiley Online Library
- Mouthwashes, oral rinses may inactivate human coronaviruses | Penn State University
- Gestures – User Interaction – iOS – Human Interface Guidelines – Apple Developer
- New electronic skin can react to pain like human skin – RMIT University
- Guidelines for human gene nomenclature | Nature Genetics
- Human sperm uses asymmetric and anisotropic flagellar controls to regulate swimming symmetry and cell steering | Science Advances
- A Self-Replicating Radiation-Shield for Human Deep-Space Exploration: Radiotrophic Fungi can Attenuate Ionizing Radiation aboard the International Space Station | bioRxiv
- Trends of Media Coverage on Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Japanese Newspapers | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
- Norimaki Synthesizer: Taste Display Using Ion Electrophoresis in Five Gels | Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- Targeting the cytoskeleton to direct pancreatic differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells | Nature Biotechnology
- Diabetes in mice cured rapidly using human stem cell strategy – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
- Decreasing human body temperature in the United States since the Industrial Revolution | eLife
- Human body temperature has decreased in United States, study finds | News Center | Stanford Medicine
- マンション業界のリーディングカンパニー 長谷工コーポレーション、「HUE」HRシリーズ稼働により、グループ37社8,000名の人事情報一元化|株式会社Works Human Intelligenceのプレスリリース
- エンケイ、グローバルでの戦略的人事管理実現に向けワークスHIの「COMPANY Talent Management」を導入|株式会社Works Human Intelligenceのプレスリリース
- 【ワークスHI調査レポート】大手法人の同一労働同一賃金への対応状況が明らかに|株式会社Works Human Intelligenceのプレスリリース
- Human origins in a southern African palaeo-wetland and first migrations | Nature
- 早稲田大学、次世代のクラウド型統合人事システムとして「HUE」HRシリーズ全面稼働 | Works Human Intelligence
- Detection of Various Microplastics in Human Stool | Annals of Internal Medicine | American College of Physicians
- Controlled modelling of human epiblast and amnion development using stem cells | Nature
- Immunization of cats to induce neutralizing antibodies against Fel d 1, the major feline allergen in human subjects – Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- FuturePose – Mixed Reality Martial Arts Training Using Real-Time 3D Human Pose Forecasting With a RGB Camera – IEEE Conference Publication
- The NASA Twins Study: A multidimensional analysis of a year-long human spaceflight | Science
- NASA’s Landmark Twins Study Reveals Resilience of Human Body in Space | NASA
- Second potential male birth control pill passes human safety tests | Endocrine Society
- Transduction of the Geomagnetic Field as Evidenced from Alpha-band Activity in the Human Brain | eNeuro
- Human sound systems are shaped by post-Neolithic changes in bite configuration | Science
- Subscriptions – Technologies – Human Interface Guidelines – Apple Developer
- Olfactory receptor OR2AT4 regulates human hair growth | Nature Communications
- Gartner Identifies Five Emerging Technology Trends That Will Blur the Lines Between Human and Machine
- Name Europe’s robot to roam and search for life on Mars / Human Spaceflight / Our Activities / ESA
- Through-Wall Human Pose Estimation Using Radio Signals
- [1802.00434] DensePose: Dense Human Pose Estimation In The Wild
- Regional ambient temperature is associated with human personality | Nature Human Behaviour
- False news spreads faster than truth online thanks to human nature | TechCrunch
- Happiness, income satiation and turning points around the world | Nature Human Behaviour
- Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity | bioRxiv
- Ibuprofen alters human testicular physiology to produce a state of compensated hypogonadism
- Modelling Torsade de Pointes arrhythmias in vitro in 3D human iPS cell-engineered heart tissue | Nature Communications
- ママラボ | Human Studies | 電通総研
- In a Never-Before Seen Behavior, Deer Spotted Gnawing Human Flesh
- 3D bioprinting of functional human skin: production and in vivo analysis – IOPscience
- Efficient Adhesion Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Laminin Fragments in an Uncoated Manner : Scientific Reports
- Human Longevity, Inc. – ゲノム研究で医療を変える ゲノム研究の先端をリードする | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- 当社が培ったAI技術を「Human Centric AI Zinrai」として体系化 : 富士通
- RF-Capture: Capturing the Human Figure Through a Wall
- Scientist: Most complete human brain model to date is a ‘brain changer’ | News Room – The Ohio State University
- XSS Vulnerability in number_to_currency, number_to_percentage and number_to_human (CVE-2014-0081) – Google グループ
- 脳並みの処理能力を持つ目指すコンピュータを作る「Human Brain Project」キックオフ | スラッシュドット・ジャパン ハードウェア