- Windows Server 2025 now generally available, with advanced security, improved performance, and cloud agility? – Microsoft Windows Server Blog
- Making Workers AI faster and more efficient: Performance optimization with KV cache compression and speculative decoding
- Perfume 25th & 20th Anniversary Live Performance “IMA IMA IMA”
- Valkey ? Valkey 8.0: Delivering Enhanced Performance and Reliability
- Amazon RDS for SQL Server における Performance Insights でのクエリ性能のモニタリング | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- GitHub – timescale/pgvectorscale: A complement to pgvector for high performance, cost efficient vector search on large workloads.
- Deno 1.44: Private npm registries, improved Node.js compat, and performance boosts
- Linux Foundation Announces Intent to Form the High Performance Software Foundation
- Announcing Cloud Spanner price-performance updates | Google Cloud Blog
- PCI-SIG? Exploring an Optical Interconnect to Enable Higher PCIe Technology Performance | Business Wire
- LINEマーケティングツール「KUZEN」を提供するコンシェルジュと業務提携|Performance Technologies 株式会社のプレスリリース
- Performance Test April 2023 – AV-Comparatives
- AV-Comparatives Releases New Consumer Performance Test for Anti-Virus Products – AV-Comparatives
- Pathways Language Model (PaLM): Scaling to 540 Billion Parameters for Breakthrough Performance – Google AI Blog
- Docker Desktop 4.16: Better Performance and Extensions GA
- China Express: Cloudflare partners to boost performance in China for corporate networks
- Docker Desktop 4.15: Improved Usability and Performance
- Intel Max Series Brings Breakthrough Memory Bandwidth and Performance…
- Association of Video Gaming With Cognitive Performance Among Children | Adolescent Medicine | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network
- Boosting Performance with Programmable Processing
- Slower SMB read performance for large files in 22H2 – Microsoft Tech Community
- Performance isolation in a multi-tenant database environment
- Google Workspace Updates: Improved quality and performance for Google Meet effects on the web
- Network performance update: Cloudflare One Week June 2022
- Debugging Hardware Performance on Gen X Servers
- VESA Launches Industry’s First Open Standard and Logo Program for PC Monitor and Laptop Display Variable Refresh Rate Performance for Gaming and Media Playback – VESA – Interface Standards for The Display Industry
- Qualcomm Introduces Automated Frequency Coordination Solution for Enhanced Wi-Fi Performance in 6 GHz Spectrum | Qualcomm
- Performance Test April 2022 – AV-Comparatives
- Sony Contributes ~73
- GitHub – facebook/lexical: Lexical is an extensible text editor framework that provides excellent reliability, accessibility and performance.
- New Amazon RDS for MySQL & PostgreSQL Multi-AZ Deployment Option: Improved Write Performance & Faster Failover | AWS News Blog
- PassMark CPU Benchmarks – Single Thread Performance
- PCI-SIG? Releases PCIe? 6.0 Specification Delivering Record Performance to Power Big Data Applications | Business Wire
- High Performance Computing Built for the Cloud | Rescale
- 初めてのPerformance Insights入門 – その3 | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Windows? 11 Performance Variation in Certain Applications on Compatible AMD Processors | AMD
- Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, Amazon CloudFront, Fastly, and Google
- ベクトルグループのPerformance Technologies株式会社にブランドセーフティ解析サービスの提供開始|Momentumのプレスリリース
- Tuna robotics: A high-frequency experimental platform exploring the performance space of swimming fishes | Science Robotics
- Designing Edge Servers with Arm CPUs to Deliver 57
- Upgrading the Cloudflare China Network: better performance and security through product innovation and partnership
- NVIDIA Announces CPU for Giant AI and High Performance Computing Workloads | NVIDIA Newsroom
- Performance Technologies株式会社 設立 PR戦略と一気通貫したパフォーマンスマーケティング事業を展開|株式会社ベクトルのプレスリリース
- Chromium Blog: Advanced memory management and more performance improvements in M89
- Smartphone Shipments Return to Positive Growth in the Fourth Quarter Driven by Record Performance by Apple, According to IDC
- Improving Performance and Search Rankings with Cloudflare for Fun and Profit
- AMD to Acquire Xilinx, Creating the Industry’s High Performance Computing Leader | AMD
- New Denodo Platform 8.0 Accelerates Hybrid/Multicloud Integration, Automates Data Management with AI/ML, and Boosts Performance | Denodo
- | Berlinale | Press | Press Releases – Berlinale 2021: Festival Planned as Physical Event / New: Gender-Neutral Performance Awards
- AnyMind Groupがインフルエンサーやプレミアムメディアを活用した成果報酬型マーケティングサービス「Performance Growth」をローンチ
- Fastly Announces HTTP/3 and QUIC Support to Improve Global Internet Performance
- Internet performance during the COVID-19 emergency
- New 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ Processors Redefine Performance for Database, Commercial HPC and Hyperconverged Workloads | AMD
- Comparing HTTP/3 vs. HTTP/2 Performance
- “Monday Effect” on Performance Variations in Supply Chain Fulfillment: How Information Technology–Enabled Procurement May Help | Information Systems Research
- Qualcomm Demonstrates Future 5G Technologies That Enhance Performance, Efficiency, and Enable New Use Cases | Qualcomm
- jClarity – Software Performance Analytics driven by Machine Learning
- 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ Processors Set New Standard for the Modern Datacenter with Record-Breaking Performance and Significant TCO Savings | AMD
- Amazon RDS Performance Insights のカウンターメトリクスを Amazon CloudWatch にインポートする | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Boosting network performance with AI – Ericsson
- microsoft/mimalloc: mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
- NGINX structural enhancements for HTTP/2 performance
- Introducing Warp: Fixing Mobile Internet Performance and Security
- パブリックDMP市場シェアNo.1のインティメート・マージャー、成果報酬型ディスプレイ広告運用サービス「Performance DMP」の提供を開始|株式会社Intimate Mergerのプレスリリース
- Performance Insights を使用して Amazon Aurora の MySQL のワークロードを分析する | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Performance Insights で Amazon RDS for MySQL をチューニングする | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Amazon CloudWatch を使用して Performance Insights メトリックにアラームを設定する | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Amazon RDS アップデート – コンソールの更新、RDS の推奨事項、Performance Insights、M5 インスタンス、MySQL 8、MariaDB 10.3、その他多数 | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Cloudflare’s network boosts security and performance for IBM Cloud customers
- アフィリエイト広告運用の効果最大化を図るシステム 「Performance GO(パフォーマンス ゴー)」の開発・提供を開始 | 株式会社サイバーエージェント
- New 8th Gen Intel Core Processors Optimize Connectivity, Great Performance, Battery Life for Laptops | Intel Newsroom
- CA Wise、不正利用の検知システム「Performance Keeper」においてアプリデベロッパーとデータ連携、広告効果計測ツールのデータと組み合わせた不正検知を開始 | 株式会社サイバーエージェント
- Serverless Performance: Cloudflare Workers, Lambda and Lambda@Edge
- Amazon RDS Performance Insights が一般利用可能に | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- GitHub – facebookincubator/BOLT: Binary Optimization and Layout Tool – A linux command-line utility used for optimizing performance of binaries
- Performance Insights を使用した Amazon RDS データベースの負荷分析 | Amazon Web Services ブログ
- Momo Performance Highlight in Q1 2018 – China Internet Watch
- High performance plasma amyloid-β biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease | Nature
- Controlling the Performance Impact of Microcode and Security Patches for CVE-2017-5754 CVE-2017-5715 and CVE-2017-5753 using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Tunables – Red Hat Customer Portal
- Intel Security Issue Update: Initial Performance Data Results for Client Systems
- Understanding the performance impact of Spectre and Meltdown mitigations on Windows Systems – Microsoft Secure
- Android Developers Blog: Improving app security and performance on Google Play for years to come
- Google Pixelbook: the high performance Chromebook
- AMD Raises Expectations for Server Performance, Unveils EPYC Processor Brand for the Datacenter
- SourceTree for Windows 2.0: New UI, faster performance, and Microsoft Git Virtual File System support | SourceTree Blog
- Ubuntu on AWS gets serious performance boost with AWS-tuned kernel | Ubuntu Insights
- Apple – Press Info – New 9.7-inch iPad Features Stunning Retina Display & Incredible Performance
- Biomimetic Sniffing Improves the Detection Performance of a 3D Printed Nose of a Dog and a Commercial Trace Vapor Detector : Scientific Reports
- Next-generation application performance monitoring
- 【株式会社MOVAAA】映像制作会社のモバーシャル株式会社、モバイル動画配信を軸に展開する株式会社Candeeと共同で、ソーシャルメディア上のLIVE(生中継)配信を支援するサービス「Performance LIVE」を企業に提供開始
- 動画リワード広告 「Performance Video Ad」、動画視聴と申込みフォームが一体となった新アドフォーマットの提供を開始 | 株式会社サイバーエージェント
- Infrastructure Update: Pushing the edges of our global performance | Dropbox Tech Blog
- スマートフォン向け検索連動型広告「D2C Performance Ads」の新機能「アプリプロモーション広告」を提供開始|株式会社D2Cのプレスリリース
- Chromium Blog: Chrome 52 Beta: CSS containment, simpler performance measurement, streamable responses from service workers, and more options for web push
- Kubernetes: Kubernetes 1.2: Even more performance upgrades, plus easier application deployment and management
- 総合的なパフォーマンス管理、セキュリティ監視を一元的に提供するサービス「Perfect Performance Monitoring Service」 提供開始(2015年10月07日) | SCSK株式会社
- Apple – Press Info – Apple Announces OS X El Capitan with Refined Experience & Improved Performance
- Bringing Better Performance to Rich Media on Chrome Video and interactive…
- PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 9.4 Increases Flexibility, Scalability and Performance
- トランスコスモス、インターネット広告のクリエイティブ検証サービス 「t-eams for Creative Performance」の提供を開始|トランスコスモス株式会社のプレスリリース